Publikationer & Referenser
Allmänna referenser kring virtuella fall inom medicin, odontologi, vård mm
- Bergin, R. & Fors, U.: Interactive Simulation of Patients – an advanced tool for student-activated learning in medicine & healthcare. Computers and Education, 40/4 (2003), 361 - 376
- Bergin, R., Youngblood, Y., Ayers, M., Boberg, J., Bolander, K., Courteille, O., Dev, P., Hindbeck, H., Stringer, J., Thalme, A. och Fors, UGH.: Interactive Simulated Patient – Experiences with Collaborative e-Learning in Medicine. Journal of Educational Computing Research 29(3) (2003): 387-400.
- Zary N, Johnson G, Boberg J, Fors U: Development, implementation and pilot evaluation of a Web-based Virtual Patient Case Simulation environment - Web-SP. BMC Medical Education (2006)
- Wahlgren C-F, Edelbring S, Fors U, Hindbeck H & Ståhle M: Evaluation of an interactive case simulation system in dermatology and venereology for medical students. BMC Medical Education 2006, 6:40 doi:10.1186/1472-6920-6-40
- Ellaway R, Poulton T, Fors U, McGee JB och Albright S: Building a Virtual Patient Commons. Medical Teacher 2008, 30 (2), 170 - 174
- Zary N, Johnson G & Fors U: Web-based Virtual Patients in Dentistry: Factors influencing the use of cases in the Web-SP system. European Journal of Dental Education 13 (2009) 2–9.
- Fors UGH, Muntean V, Botezatu M och Zary N (2009): Cross-Cultural Use and Development of Virtual Patients. Medical Teacher, 31:8, 732-738
- Botezatu M, Hult H, Kassaye Tessma M & Fors U (2010): Virtual Patient Simulation systems: knowledge gain or knowledge loss? Medical Teacher, 32:7, 562–568
- Botezatu M, Hult H, Kassaye Tessma M & Fors U (2010): Virtual Patient Simulation for learning and assessment: superior results in comparison with regular course exams. Medical Teacher, 32(10), 845-850
- Botezatu M, Hult H och Uno G Fors (2010): Virtual Patient Simulation: what do students make of it? A focus group study. BMC Medical Education 2010, 10:91
- Botezatu M, Hult H, Tessma M & Fors U (2010): As time goes by: stakeholder opinions on the implementation of a virtual patient simulation system. Medical Teacher, 32(11), 509-516
- Ekblad S, Fors U, André A och Salminen H (2013): Medical training in transition: Interprofessional and intercultural training enhanced by e-learning tools for primary healthcare education. International Medical Journal. Vol. 20, No. 6, s. 1 - 2, december
- Forsberg E, Ziegert K, Hult H, Fors U (2014): Clinical reasoning in nursing, a think-aloud study using virtual patients - en bas för en innovativ bedömning. Nurse Education Today 34(4), 538-542
- Courteille O, Fahlstedt M, Ho J, Hedman L, Fors U, von Holst H, Felländer-Tsai L och Möller H (2018): Learning through a Virtual Patient vs. Recorded Lecture: A Comparison of Knowledge Retention in a Trauma Case. International Journal of Medical Education. 2018; 9:86-92, DOI: 10.5116/ijme.5aa3.ccf2
- Tran C, Toth-Pal E, Ekblad S, Fors U, Salminen H (2020): A virtual patient model for students’ interprofessional learning in primary healthcare. PLoS ONE 15(9): e0238797.
- Rothlind E, Fors U, Salminen H, Wändell P och Ekblad S (2021): Virtual patients reflecting the clinical reality of primary care – a useful tool to improve cultural competence. BMC Medical Education, 21:270.
- Tran C, Toth-Pal E, Ekblad S, Fors U, Salminen H (2022): Medical students’ learning about other professions using an interprofessional virtual patient while remotely connected with their study group. Journal of Medical Internet Research, Jan 17;9:e38599. doi: 10.2196/38599. PMID: 36649071; PMCID: PMC9890351.
Referenser kring pedagogisk implementering av virtuella fall
- Zary N, Johnson G & Fors UGH (2012): Impact of the virtual patient introduction on the clinical reasoning process in dental education. Bio-Algorithms and Med-Systems 8(2), s. 173-. ISSN (Online) 1896-530X, ISSN (Print) 1895-9091, DOI: 10.2478/bams-2012-0011, januari 2012
- Edelbring S, Broström O, Henriksson P, Vassiliou D, Spaak J, Dahlgren LO, Fors U, Zary N (2012): Course integration of virtual patients: follow-up seminars and perceived benefit. Medical Education, apr;46(4):417-25
Referenser kring utveckling av virtuella fall
- Muntean V, Calinici T, Tigan S och Fors UGH (2013): Language, culture and international exchange of virtual patients. BMC Medical Education, 13:21.
- Fors U (2021): Designing Virtual Cases for Learning and Assessment. I: Brooks, E., Dau, S., & Selander, S. (Red.) Digital Learning and Collaborative Practices. Lessons from Inclusive and Empowering Participation with Emerging Technologies. Routledge. ISBN 9780367617752, s. 201-215.
Referenser kring virtuella fall för psykiatri/psykologi
- Williams KS, Wryobeck J, Edinger JW, McGrady A, Fors UGH & Zary N (2011): Assessment Of Competencies Using Virtual Patient Technology. Academic Psychiatry, 35(5), 328-330
- Pantziaras I, Courteille O, Mollica R, Fors U, Ekblad S (2012): A pilot study of user acceptance and educational potentials of virtual patients in transcultural psychiatry. International Journal of Medical Education. 2012;3:132-140
- Ekblad S, Mollica RF, Fors U, Pantziaras I och Lavelle J (2013): Educational Potential of a Virtual Patient System for Caring for Traumatized Patients in Primary Care. BMC Medical Education, 13:110. doi:10.1186/1472-6920-13-110
- Pantziaras I, Fors U, Ekblad S (2014): Virtual Mrs K: The learners’ expectations and attitudes towards a virtual patient system in transcultural psychiatry. Journal of Contemporary Medical Education 2(2): 109-115. doi: 10.5455/jcme.20140627042240
- Pantziaras I, Fors U och Ekblad S (2015): Training with Virtual Patients in Transcultural Psychiatry: Do the learners actually learn? Journal of Medical Internet Research, 17(2):e46. DOI: 10.2196/jmir.3497
- Pantziaras I, Fors U och Ekblad S (2015): Innovative Training with Virtual Patients in Transcultural Psychiatry: The Impact on Resident Psychiatrists' Confidence. PLoS ONE 10(3): e0119754. doi:10.1371/journal.pone.0119754
- Fors UGH och Courteille O (2015): Learner Acceptance of Using Virtual Patient Encounters to Train Foreign Healthcare Professionals in Swedish. International Journal of Virtual and Personal Learning Environments, 5(3), 18-32
- Tolsgaard MG, Jepsen RMHG, Rasmussen MB, Kayser L, Fors U, Laursen LC, Svendsen JH, Ringsted C (2016): The effect of constructing versus solving Virtual Patient cases on transfer of learning: A randomized trial. Perspectives in Medical Education, feb;5(1):33-8. doi: 10.1007/s40037-015-0242-4
- Sunnqvist C, Karlsson K, Lindell L och Fors U (2016). Virtual patient simulation in psychiatric care - A pilot study of digital support for collaborative learning. Nurse Education in Practice, 17, s. 30–35. DOI: 10.1016/j.nepr.2016.02.004
- Mollica R, Lavelle J, Fors U, Ekblad S, Wadler B (2017): Using the Virtual Patient to Improve the Primary Care of Traumatized Refugees. Journal of Medical Education, 16(1) 2-16. DOI: 10.22037/jme.v16i1.15560
Referenser kring virtuella fall för juridik
- Fors U & Skoglund Å (2013): A pilot study of virtual cases in law education. European Journal of Law and Technology. Vol 4 (nr 3).
Referenser kring virtuella fall för lärarutbildning
- Slotte A, Wallinheimo K, Fors U, Hägglund S & Selander S (2023): On the threshold of future learning: Teacher student's experiences of virtual education simulation. Nordic Journal of Digital Literacy, vol 18, nr 2, s. 85-99.
Referenser kring virtuella fall för examination
- Courteille O, Bergin R, Stockeld D, Ponzer S och Fors U: The use of virtual patient cases in an OSCE-based exam – a pilot study. Medical Teacher 2008, 30(3), e66 - e76
- Gesundheit N, Brutlag P, Youngblood P, Gunning W T, Zary N och Fors U (2009): The Use of Virtual Patients to Assess the Clinical Skills and Reasoning of Medical Students: Initial Insights on Student Acceptance. Medical Teacher, 31:8, 739-742
- Forsberg E, Georg C, Ziegert K och Fors U: Virtual patients for assessment of clinical reasoning in nursing – a pilot study. Nurse Education Today. 2011 nov;31(8):757-62
- Gunning WT och Fors UGH (2012): Virtual Patients for Assessment of Medical Student Ability to Integrate Clinical and Laboratory Data to Develop Differential Diagnoses: Comparison of Results of Exams with/without Time Constraints. Medical Teacher 2012; 34(4):e222-8.
- Fors U och Gunning WT (2013): The Impact of Different Scoring Rubrics for Grading Virtual Patient-based Exams. Journal of Educational Computing Research, 50 (1), 97-118
- Forsberg E, Ziegert K, Hult H & Fors U (2015): Evaluation of a novel scoring and grading model for vp-based exams in postgraduate nurse education. Nurse Education Today, 35(12). DOI: 10.1016/j.nedt.2015.04.005. Publicerad online: 24 april 2015
- Forsberg, E., Ziegert, K., Hult, H., & Fors, U. (2016): Assessing progression of clinical reasoning through virtual patients: an exploratory study. Nurse Education in Practice, 16(1), 97-103. DOI: 10.1016/j.nepr.2015.09.006
Referenser kring just VCS
- Nyiringango G, Fors U, Forsberg E & Tumusiime D (2024): Enhancing Clinical Reasoning for Management of Non-Communicable Diseases: Virtual Patient Cases as a Learning Strategy for Nurses in Primary Healthcare Centers: A Pre-Post Study Design. BMC Medical Education, 24, 441 (2024).
- Nyiringango G, Fors U, Forsberg E & Tumusiime D (2024): Acceptance of virtual patients as a continuous professional development approach among practicing nurses in primary health care settings in a low-income country: a quasiexperimental posttest setup design. BMC Nursing (2024) 23:332.
Akademiska avhandlingar kring Virtuella fall
- Nabil Zary (2007): Virtual Patients for Education, Assessment and Research, Karolinska Institutet
- Olivier Courteille (2008): Computer Simulations of The Clinical Encounter - Perceptions and Emotional Aspects, Karolinska Institutet
- Samuel Edelbring (2012): Technology In Education, Necessary But Not Sufficient: Understanding Learning With Virtual Patients, Karolinska Institutet
- Mihaela Botezatu (2010): Virtual Patient Simulation: Implementation and Use in Assessment, Karolinska Institutet
- Elenita Forsberg (2014): Virtual Patients for Assessment of Clinical Reasoning, Karolinska Institutet
- Ioannis Pantziaras (2015): Virtual Patients as An Innovative Educational Tool in Transcultural Psychiatry, Karolinska Institutet
- Carrie Tran (2023): Students’ Perceptions of Interprofessional Learning and Virtual Patients in Primary Healthcare, Karolinska Institutet